Book Talk: October Parties and November Adaptations

Book Talk!
November 29, 2017
Book Talk is a monthly library lunchtime workshop which serves as Hawthorne High School’s book club, being a place for all book lovers who are seeking new reading material and those who want to discuss them.
Throughout the month of October, the Book Talk members read the works of Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe, as the month of October always seems to entail the themes of mystery and horror. Coincidentally, the Book Talk meeting for October, which occurred on the 31 of the month, coincided with Halloween. Along with a discussion of the various genre-specific books, refreshments such as cookies, candy, and drinks were offered in celebration of the holiday.
On November 29, the lunchtime workshop held another meeting, this time revolving around the library’s theme of book to movie adaptations. There was a lively discussion about the books read, ranging from fantasy classics to new contemporaries, and cookies and candy were also served.
During the workshop’s meetings, preliminary plans for author interviews and a holiday party were also discussed, along with the members being updated on all of the latest changes with the library, such as the library catalog now being accessible from Ms. DiGeronimo’s website.
The next workshop meeting will be held on December 19, which will be a D-day in our cycle. Thus, if you love books and are willing to join in on a fun discussion, along with participating in a holiday party, make sure to come with a finished story, this month’s theme being inspiration and motivation.
As Mrs. DiGeronimo said, “The Book Talk group is a librarian’s dream: a group of young people sitting around discussing (with passion and genuine interest) their opinions about books, characters, plots, and conflicts- and how all those things reflect their own lives. I love this group!”