HHS Record Holders: Track and Field


Marjes Castillo and Abby Reicher

Hawthorne High School is constantly making changes to the school to make it a better environment for the students and faculty.

In the past couple of years, the school has painted most of the walls, if not all, and added years of past victories onto the boards in the gymnasium. In addition to all of these upgrades, HHS got the opportunity to display the achievements of our very own track team.  Track and field has been very successful in recent years. For the athletes who work hard every day to reach and over achieve the records for Hawthorne should be recognized.

The student athletes take pride in their athletic accomplishments and Hawthorne High School is proud to be able to display such accomplishments throughout the years. The board will always encourage more motivation for Hawthorne’s athletes. This also shows all of the dedication and hard work that Hawthorne High School athletes put in each and everyday.