Keaton Jones: What Is The Truth?
Keaton Jones
January 3, 2018
On Friday, December 8, 2017 Kimberly Jones posted a video on Facebook of her son, Keaton, sobbing on his way home from school. In the video, Keaton explains what had happened to him at school that day. His classmates had poured milk and dumped their food on him during lunch and continuously mocked and teased him. He also says, “They make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends.” This then allows Keaton to bring up the heartbreaking question, “Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?”
Since the video’s release, it has received over 20 million views and attention from numerous Hollywood stars. There have been responses from Mark Ruffalo, Mark Hamill, Millie Bobby Brown, Cardi B, and even Chris Evans, who has invited Keaton and his mother to the world premiere of the new Avengers film in Los Angeles next year. As Keaton started to receive tremendous amounts of support, unfortunately, many striking details about Keaton and his family were revealed, sparking up some controversy.
Internet users called attention to a Facebook post of the Jones family posing with the confederate flag, which quickly allowed people to turn on the family entirely. More posts were also discovered where Keaton’s mother hints at her son calling his fellow classmates the n-word. Since receiving so much backlash on her posts, Kimberly Jones eventually updated her Facebook privacy settings.
There have also been several fake GoFundMe pages created for Keaton’s family, one raising over $55,000. This brought up questions as to whether or not the original intentions behind posting the video was to make money. MMA fighter Joe Schilling posted a video to his Instagram page explaining how when he tried to reach out to Keaton and invite him to see a fight, his mother responded by asking him for money instead. Schilling had said, “I feel pretty stupid right now. I was pretty moved by Keaton Jones’ video so I reached out to his mom and was going to bring him out to LA for a Bellator event that’s coming up, big show, and and introduce him to fighters, be his friend, and she just wants money. She just wants me to share her GoFundMe account.”
Controversy continues to spur as evidence is still yet to be discovered. Though Keaton’s mother denies the accusations, we still don’t, and probably won’t ever, know the exact truth.