Bye Bye Birdie Cast

January 30, 2019
The HHS production of “Bye Bye Birdie” has been cast!
Last week on Tuesday the 22, Wednesday the 23, and Thursday the 24, auditions were held for this show. On Friday morning, students were anxiously waiting for either the cast list or call-back list to be posted. But little did they know that the cast list would be posted!
Leading this production is Junior Luis Mendoza as fed up “music guy” Albert Peterson. Playing his girlfriend/secretary Rosie Alvarez is sophomore Kylie Sciarra. Playing the heart throb Conrad Birdie is Senior Nick Manzi. Albert Peterson’s overbearing mother Mae Peterson will be portrayed by freshman Estelle Barbieri. Jacquelyn Hampson will be playing Kim Macafee who is chosen to kiss Conrad Birdie on the Ed Sullivan show.
Kim’s younger brother Randolph will be portrayed by sopohmore Ermir Xhaferi: Kim’s Mom and Dad Harry Macafee and Doris Macafee will be portrayed by seniors Chris Branagh and Daniella Bonafede. Kim’s “Steady” Hugo Peabody, will be played by senior Laith Matari.
And finally, playing Kim’s hyper, enthusiastic best friend Ursula Merkle is freshman Abby Titus.
The first rehearsal starts on January 28. Everybody is really looking forward to this show! Performances start on Thursday May 2 at 7:30 pm, Friday May 3 at 7:30 pm, Saturday May 4 at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm, and the final performance is Sunday May 5 at 2:00 pm!
Please come out to support the HHS theater department!
Congratulations to all!