March Madness Raffle Week 3

March Madness Raffle Week 3

Mahin Rahman, Staff Writer

This week marks the third week of March Madness, the Media Center here at Hawthorne High School. The winner of week one was HHS junior, Andrew Gomez. The winner of week two was HHS junior, Moe Jawish.

For this year’s March Madness there is going to be a drawing going on in the HHS Media Center every week of March. In order to enter, you must fill out a ballot choosing your favorite books from each category. After you fill it out, you place the completed ballot in the ballot box.

Each week, one finalist will be drawn and they will win a mini basketball. Then each week’s finalists will automatically be in the drawing for the full size basketball which will be chosen on March 28.


For week 3 you must pick a total of two books. There are a total of four genres which consists of books in fantasy/sci-fi, classics, movie spin-offs, and series. For this week’s raffle the battle is fantasy/sci-fi vs classics and movie spin-offs vs series.


Fantasy/Sci-fi vs Classics:

The Chronicles of Narnia vs To Kill a Mockingbird


Movie Spin-Offs vs Series:

Fault in Our Stars vs Harry Potter