Hawthorne High School Chromebooks: An Opinion

Aya Outhman, Staff Writer

This school year all Hawthorne High School students received chromebooks for their classes and at home remote learning.  In my opinion, these chromebooks are beneficial and convenient.  They allow you to complete most of your school work online and you don’t have to worry about losing papers or forgetting them at home.  I interviewed Hawthorne high school student Hannah Cicco about her opinion of them.

Clarion: What was your first reaction when you received your chromebook? 

Hannah: They were much smaller than I expected, but they work great.


Clarion: How have they changed your learning experience?

Hannah: They make it easier for me to join my online classes because they already came with a camera, and it’s nice to have a computer strictly for my school work. 


Clarion: How convenient are they? 

Hannah: The battery lasts me all day and they keep me very organized with all my classes. 


In conclusion, the school’s chromebooks are very helpful for the students.  The Library/Media Center  has technical support available for any difficulties you might be having with your chromebook either before or after school.