The Hybrid Schedule: An Opinion

Jean Walsh, Staff Writer

It is officially the second marking period here at HHS, which means we have had some time to adjust to hybrid learning and see how it is working out for everyone. For the first marking period, cohorts A and B went in on their respective days, and then joined short afternoon classes when it was necessary. We also had virtual Wednesdays, which were all 8 classes back to back, which I personally did not enjoy. By the time we got into the material, the class period would be over and we would have to just move on to our next class.

Now, both cohorts, as well as the all-remote students, have to join Google Meets even when their cohort is home. As much as I enjoyed sleeping in on Mondays and Thursdays, it is beneficial to have more class time to work on assignments and ask my teachers questions if I have them. We also now have a slightly longer lunch break, from dismissal at 12:23 to our last class which starts at 2. I like the phase 2 schedule so much more than phase 1, because I feel like I am actually learning more and not falling behind on material.

Hybrid learning, however, does have its disadvantages. Some students and teachers have had wifi problems where they cannot connect to their Google Meets, which is a major problem. We have had to completely rely on technology to get an education, and in my opinion, nothing will ever replace the feel of in-person instruction.

Hopefully HHS and the surrounding communities can make it through the winter so that we can return to normal as quickly and safely as possible.