The Homecoming Game

October 1, 2021
Leading up to one of the best events of the early school year, is the homecoming game.
This year the game will be held on October 1 at 6:00pm at Hawthorne High School Field. The Bears will be hosting Glen Rock, and this year the students at HHS are having a raffle and the winner gets to watch the homecoming game from a couch in the Bears’ end zone.
The Royal Court for this year is:
Lord and Lady: Thomas Angelo Gantalis and Carly Iovino
Duke and Duchess: Tyler Menne and Cadence O’Hagan
Prince and Princess: Alex Castillo and Emma Leitman
King and Queen: Jad Alshamah and Ruby Conroy
There is going to be a booster Club BBQ held at 9:00pm after the game on the HHS field. This year the homecoming game will also be the Cubs recognition game.
We hope to see everyone there!