HHS Hallway Decorating Competition: An Overview

HHS Senior Hallway:2021

Jillian Wesseldyke, Staff Writer

Every year in October, all four grade levels here at Hawthorne High School compete in the annual hallway decorating competition. Every class council comes together to pick a theme for their hallways, inspired by the ideas from the class. They then work very hard to prepare the materials, actually design all the decor, and then set up the decorations in their respective hallways. 

The night before the competition, all of the classes stay after school and decorate their halls. It is a super fun night with classmates and advisors, where you can all have fun decorating without the stress of school. Also included is free dinner, which is always a plus! 

The day after, on the day of the competition, it is always interesting to walk around the hallways and see the various themes the classes came up with, and how cool all the decorations look.

Whether it is your class or not, seeing all of the decorations is always fun, and walking through all of the halls makes you feel like you are in those worlds, or themes. While classes are in session, Ms. Russo and a handful of other administrators will walk around the halls and judge the different themes, and quality of the decorations.

After the group votes, a winner is crowned, as well as the other placements for the other grades. What will happen this year? Who will win? 

This year the competition will take place on Thursday, October 20. As planning and construction of the decor begins, be sure to participate in your grade’s decorating for a fun time! We look forward to seeing what happens this year, as should you!