The Italian Club at Hawthorne High School offers a variety of skills to learn and much information to find out.
The Italian Club offers a wide set of skills for incoming freshmen all the way up to graduating seniors, consisting of learning the basics of the language to helping people in all different ways.
Carnevale is an Italian holiday that is celebrated before Lent in which people dress up in costumes, have parades and participate in parties. At HHS, Carnevale is still held but on a smaller scale: there is still all of the good things of Carnevale like partying, music, and costumes but without any of the negatives. They serve food and have games out to play with your friends.
The Italian Club is also responsible for the school’s bake sales which brings in money to help with the school or to other different causes. They also hold donations for people in need whether its food or presents during Christmas time.
Clubs are a big part of Hawthorne High School, contributing to all kinds of things around the school. They are also a good way to get involved more in school and of course, meet new people.