The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion

The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion

The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion


Month Of May 2024

Breanna Curcio
The Month of May

This month has many people that are being represented and appreciated.

There is Teacher Appreciation week, Jewish American Heritage month, School Nurse day, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness month, and Police Week.

Teacher Appreciation week started in 1984 which the PTA started for teachers, to show how hard teachers work.

Jewish American Heritage month started in 2006 by George W. Bush.

School Nurse day started in 1978 in New Jersey, to recognise all of the school nurses.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is in May because of the first Japanese immigrant who came to the U.S in May.

Police week started in 1962 by President John. F Kennedy to show honor to the police and everything they do to keep us safe.

About the Contributor
Breanna Curcio, Editor
Hi! Im Breanna Curcio, and I'm a junior here at Hawthorne High School. This is my second year writing for the Clarion, and my first year being an editor. I'm excited to write for the Clarion. I can't wait to write for the Clarion as a junior this year.