The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion

The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion

The student news site of Hawthorne High School.

The Clarion


Interview With An HHS Senior

Kevin Dooley
Graduation is near…

Before we say goodbye to our graduating seniors and the Class of 2024,  the Clarion had the chance to interview a senior so that they could share their thoughts and experience at HHS and how they feel to start a new chapter in their lives. The Clarion is happy to present senior Kemby Duran.


The Clarion: Kembly, how do you feel about starting college?

Kembly: I feel very nervous since it’s a new chapter in my life,  but I am also very excited.


The Clarion: What are you going to miss about high school?

Kembly: I am going to miss my friends a lot since they played a big a role in my high school experience.


The Clarion: What was your favorite thing about HHS?

Kembly: My English class and gym class with my friends…they were honestly the best of times.


We are so excited for our seniors to start a new chapter in their lives,  but it is very sad to see them go!

About the Contributor
Diana Bonilla, Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Diana Bonilla and I am a junior at Hawthorne High School. This is my first year writing for the Clarion. I am super excited and really looking forward to it. I really enjoy writing ever since I was little and never seem to get bored of it, and now I will be writing and also informing people about what is going on in school and outside of school. I love reading as well, especially on a nice and calming afternoon. I like spending my free time with my friends and going out and watching Disney movies as well. My dream career would be in the medical field as a neurologist since I really do think that this is the right path for me and I am really interested in it. I hope you enjoy the articles I will writing for the school newspaper!