Return of the Lizard Man

Lizard Man?
October 2, 2015
In the past, there was a rumor of a mysterious creature in South Carolina.
There was a report in 1988 where a young man, who was changing a flat tire on his car, was chased by a giant lizard. This creature looked like a 7-foot tall, human like being with green, scaly skin similar to a lizard. It also had three clawed toes on each foot, clawed fingers, and red-glowing eyes. The witness said the lizard man was running at him and was attacking his car before he escaped. Many thought this was a fake or a guy in a costume. Others believe this incident was a real creature hiding in the swamps of South Carolina. There were sightings later about a giant lizard but people thought it was still just a hoax. The legend of the lizard man disappeared with the other forgotten legends.
But the story arose again with new convincing evidence. A woman from Bishopville, California saw and was able to capture a picture of the creature that fits the description of the very first reported sighting of the lizard man. She promised to news reporters she was not making the story up. Another witness spoke up and showed authorities footage of a tall dark figure with a long scaly tail running through the trees. He didn’t want to show this to anyone at first, because he knew others would think he was crazy. The world has received two recent pieces of evidence about the existence of the lizard man. Nobody truly knows if this is a myth or a fact; maybe one day an eyewitness will bring forth concrete evidence the lizard man is real.