Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2015
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 29, 2015
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month is designated to raise money for the cause and to spread awareness of breast cancer. Getting checked or screened for cancer is so important; in fact, October 16, is National Mammography day. Mammograms are used to detect changes earlier than a patient or physician could notice them. The day was first put into place by President Bill Clinton in 1993.
During this month there are several walks for the cause held nationally. An example of a walk that is held, is a race called “Race For The Cure.” At the walk, participants take part in a series of 5K runs and fitness walks. Not only does the walk raise funds for breast cancer awareness, but it also celebrates survivorship; which is shown when Survivor of the Year, Co-Survivor of the Year, and Thriver of the Year are honored awards for their perseverance. Participating in a walk, whether it is a race or not, is very helpful since it brings a ton of support and donations to help the cause. In New Jersey, there were races held in Jackson, NJ, on 10/4/2015, and in West Orange, NJ, on 5/3/2015.
This month that is set aside for breast cancer awareness is very beneficial. Not only is it beneficial to the cause, it sheds light on overall awareness. Breast cancer is potentially very dangerous and it is great the people are more aware of the dangers, and the precautions that can be taken. Overall, survivors are commemorated for their triumph over cancer, which allows plenty of people the insight they need to keep fighting.