Trump’s Disregard For a Fallen Soldiers’ Family
Myeshia Johnson Collapses On Her Fallen Husband’s Casket
October 30, 2017
Last week, President Trump was accused of disrespecting a fallen soldier during a condolence call to the fallen soldier’s widow. Sgt. La David Johnson was killed by Islamist militants in Niger this month. He was one of four US special service soldiers who died in an ambush. The president’s call was made shortly before Sgt. Johnson’s coffin arrived by aircraft in his home city of Miami. Trump was already criticized for not contacting the families right after the fatal ambush on October 4.
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, who was there to account for the call, overheard the remarks in a limousine. She stated that what the President said was not the proper thing to say to a grieving widow. Myeshia Johnson, La David’s wife, said that President Trump disrespected herself, her husband, and her children. Congresswoman Wilson said that she wanted to take the phone and yell at the president, but the sergeant who held the phone denied her. Wilson recalled Trump repeatedly saying, “But you know he must’ve known what he signed up for,” multiple times during the call.
To defend himself, Trump adamantly denied he did (or said) anything improper. He suspected that Wilson falsified the claim. The president then responded on Wednesday morning by tweeting, “Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!”
President Trump has not shown any evidence that supports his claim. One White House official stated that Trump’s conversations with the families of dead servicemen were confidential. While speaking to reporters, Trump believed that he did not say what Ms. Wilson accused him of and had a positive conversation. Trump was asked about what proof he could show and he responded, “Let her make her statement again, then you will find out.”
Overall, this was a disgraceful incident that offended many and caused more Americans to disapprove of the “orange, fluff-ball” called Donald Trump.