Good Friday

March 28, 2018
March 30 is Good Friday, a religious holiday celebrated by Christians. It’s believed to be the most momentous weekend in the history of the world. This Christian holiday represents the suffering and sacrificing in the life of Jesus. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s passion, crucifixion, and death, which is told in the Bible. After Good Friday, comes Easter Sunday.
On Good Friday most Christians fast from eating meat, and eat fish instead. If your’re hosting, people offer guests tea and hot crossed buns. These are fruit buns with some dough on the top in the shape of a cross. Also, we remember this day as the day that Jesus suffered and died.
Good Friday is not a federal holiday in the United States. It is only a holiday in few states. States who celebrate are Connecticut, Texas, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina and North Dakota.