Hawthorne High School Water Fountains
Two HHS water fountains
December 8, 2015
Imagine that you are in school, extremely parched and in need of some water. You finally get a chance to take a drink from the water fountain. You see the water rushing out of the fountain, you bend down and take a sip, and it is nearly as hot as you are! You cannot believe it. You think to yourself, “How am I going to make it until lunch?”
This is a problem that some students are having here at Hawthorne High School. Students should be able to go to the water fountain whenever they’re thirsty. They should not have to bring their own water bottles from home. At Hawthorne High, most water fountains dispense warm water, and the water is barely dispensed. Imagine the germs that could spread due to students having to put their lips right up to the fountain.
Although most water fountains at Hawthorne High are tough to use, there is one that is not awful. The water fountain located in the old cafeteria near the lunch line is known as the “good fountain” in the school. In fact it is the best water fountain in the school based on the facts that it dispenses ice cold water at a high pressure. There is no other water fountain in the school that is comparable to this one.
Student Council president Leah Matari spoke on the water fountain issue, saying, “One of Student Council’s goals for this year is to actually purchase a Brita water station for the school. We haven’t decided what we are going to do to fundraise yet, but it’s definitely in the works.”
There are certainly many ways that this school could fundraise. Hopefully this goal can become a reality before the school heats up again