The World According to Shakir: New Year’s Resolution
December 16, 2016
As we all get through the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we need to look forward to the next holiday that comes one week after Christmas. That’s right, New Years Eve is coming up.
This is a night for celebration, as we get rid of 2016 and bring in baby new year, 2017. To be honest, I’m kind of disappointed with 2016. There were too many bad things that happened here in America and around the world. The threat of ISIS, the death of David Bowie and so many other beloved celebrities, terrorism, war, poverty….gee, like I said, 2016 wasn’t so great.
But in a few weeks we say goodbye to this crummy year and let a new year in.
On New Year’s Eve let us all make New Year’s resolutions. Let us all give up something in our lives, that can allow us all to better ourselves. If we all do that, here and all over the world, maybe we can make 2017 a better year than the previous one.