Studies have shown that strong social connections have an increased chance of being less vulnerable to anxiety and depression as well as developing a higher self esteem, more empathy, and trust towards others.
Emotional intelligence, as well as maturity is one of those things that many individuals; more specifically those in this generation, have failed to attain. According to, our brains are hardwired for connection. There is both a biological and psychological need for social support. It has been proven that each time an individual creates a genuine connection with someone, a pleasure-inducing hormone oxytocin, is released into the bloodstream which reduces anxiety and enhances focus and concentration.
Although building a strong social life should be a huge necessity for all people, it is sometimes easier said than done. Some people don’t have the emotional capacity to be transparent towards others which is what I believe plays a major role in why there are so many people around the world who choose to remain closed off or living in a personal shell. Being able to prioritize making new and healthy bonds is something that takes time, but can also alter one’s perspective on life as well.
Overall, Social connections can be such a great benefit if you allow yourself to become proactive and more willing to put yourself out there. Unlike love, friends are made rather than found and being able to discover that there are people around you who share the same interests, love the same hobbies you do, and have the same goals is something that should never be taken for granted.