Expanding dog shelters is an important thing that addresses several pressing issues related to animal welfare, community health and public awareness.
The number of abandoned stray dogs increases every day. Many shelters around the world become overcrowded. This leads to the inadequate care for animals housed within them. This doesn’t only affect the dogs, it also affects the staff and resources. If we can expand dog shelters around the world we can ensure that every dog receives the necessary medical attention, proper nutrition and much more.
One of the main reasons for expanding dog shelters is to decrease the number of dogs that are euthanized due to the space constraints. A lot of shelters try their hardest, but when it begins to get more crowded they are left with difficult decisions.
Expanding dog shelters not only saves the dog’s lives, but it promotes a culture of compassion and care within communities. If the world can see that dog shelters are starting to expand and people are working their hardest to provide for all these stray animals to save their lives, there is a better chance for them to support this decision.
Dogs are put into shelters for many reasons such as housing issues, financial constraints, behavior problems, personal circumstances, too many animals, dogs not getting along with family members, owner death or hospitalization and unfortunately some are even because an animal is not getting treated well or is getting abused.
Approximately 3.2 million dogs enter animal shelters in the United States each year. Each year, approximately 920,000 animals are euthanized and about 1 million dogs are adopted each year. Only 10% of dogs born will find a permanent home and some get abandoned even after getting adopted.
Around 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or given up to shelters each year. 74.1% of lost dogs with good identification can be reunited with their owners. Only 25 – 30% of dogs in shelters are purebreds. Pitbulls are the main dogs getting abandoned or getting euthanized. No dog deserves to be abandoned because they are too aggressive in my opinion. Every dog needs the correct training and care. If a dog doesn’t have that then they will get aggressive because they don’t know any better especially if they are a puppy.
In conclusion, expanding dog shelters can ensure them a safe home. No dog deserves to be put to sleep because there isn’t space for them in a shelter. Shelters across the country are often full and there are more animals entering the shelter than leaving which leads to a shelter being too crowded.
The presence of expanding dog shelters can lead to joy in the community. Dogs that get the proper care and training will most likely find a loving home. We can create a better environment, better future for animals and the people who take care of them.
If people around the world invest in making more shelters, more animals around the world can live and can create a wealthy environment in our lives.