What is Baton Twirling?

October 24, 2016
You might ask yourself “What is baton twirling? ” Baton Twirling is a sport involving the manipulation of a metal rod and the human body to a coordinated routine and is similar to rhythmic gymnastics or color guard.
A sophomore at the University of Alabama, Paige Weinstein has been involved with baton twirling since she was 2 years old, eventually winning state, national and international recognition as a twirler. Paige is a member of the Million Dollar Band Crimsonettes.
The Clarion was able to interview Paige about her involvement in this wonderful sport.
Clarion Reporter: How did you get into Baton Twirling?
Paige: My mom used to be a baton twirler. So at age 2 she signed me up for a baton class and I have loved it ever since.
Clarion Reporter: Do you have to have any prior experience to know how to twirl a baton?
Paige: You have to be willing to take baton lessons and practice for one to be able to succeed at baton twirling.
Clarion Reporter: What is your favorite baton move?
Paige: My favorite baton move is a five turn. So that’s when I throw the baton up and spin it five times around.
Clarion Reporter: Do you plan on continuing baton twirling even after you graduate from Alabama?
Paige: After I graduate I hope to own a baton and dance studio. That has been my plan since I’ve been a little girl!
Clarion Reporter: One more thing…Roll tide!
Paige: Roll Tide!