Upcoming HHS Golf Season

March 14, 2016
The Hawthorne High School golf team’s 2016 season will soon be in full swing, after an off-season filled with hard work, excitement, and high expectations. The Clarion caught up with Lincoln Middle School teacher and HHS golf team coach Jeff Kolk and asked him about the upcoming season.
Clarion Reporter : What are your expectations for the upcoming season?
Coach Kolk: I think this season is a rebuilding season. Half of the golfers on the team are new to the sport and are just learning the basics. With guidance and practice, these new golfers can be the leaders of the team in upcoming years.
Clarion Reporter: How do you feel about new students joining?
Coach Kolk: I think it is great! Golf is a sport that can be played whether you are 8 or 80. Many sports like baseball and football are difficult to play as you get older. But golf is something that you can go out and play regardless of age.
Clarion Reporter: What tournaments are you looking forward to?
Coach Kolk: This year we will be participating in the NJIC Tournament held on Monday May 9 at Valley Brook Golf Club in Rivervale NJ. We will also partake in the Passaic County Tournament on Wednesday May 18 at Preakness Valley Golf Club in Wayne, NJ. Each offers different challenges, but both are a great experience for the golfers to play 18 holes.
Clarion Reporter: Where does the team practice?
Coach Kolk: We practice at Golf 23 Range on Route 23 North in Pompton Plains. We also get to practice at Darlington Golf Course, Orchard Hills Golf Course, Overpeck Golf Course and Preakness Valley Golf Course prior to our season opener on Friday April 1st.
Clarion Reporter: Where does the team play?
Coach Kolk: We play at a variety of golf courses throughout the season. We regularly play at Orchard Hills in Paramus, Overpeck in Teaneck and Preakness Valley in Wayne.
Clarion Reporter: Are there any players that you are most looking forward seeing achieve their goals? Are there any special players you are looking forward to see?
Coach Kolk : This season I am looking forward to seeing CJ Barhorst, Ian Bruinooge, Noah VanDerEems and Bilal Meshanni show their leadership. Additionally, I am hoping that they can form the core team this year and help to lead the new team members. I am excited to see what our new members – Kaitlyn Melendez, Michelle Psaros, Aaron Finamore and Brian Reilly – can achieve this season.
Clarion Reporter: How was last season?
Coach Kolk: We struggled a little bit last season. There were so many good teams, and with a lot of bad weather, we did not get to practice outside as often as we needed. With the cooperation of Mother Nature, I think that we will be able to get out on to the golf courses earlier this season, and play more practice rounds. Experience really counts in golf, and the more playing time the golfers get, the better they can hone their skills and be prepared for the season.
Clarion Reporter: Are you excited for this upcoming season?
Coach Kolk: I am very excited for golf this year. I have been coaching golf for nine seasons and I always look forward to it. Regardless of whether we win or lose, it’s a great experience to just be out on the golf course, helping the kids improve their game, and enjoying the nice weather.
The upcoming golf season is going to be amazing. Good luck to all players!