Luke Kowalski: Mr. Hawthorne 2019


Vanessa Tousignant, Editor

Meet Luke Kowalski, Mr. Hawthorne 2019!

Luke Kowalski, a senior, entertained both the crowd and the panel of judges on Saturday, March 2 with his charm and exuberance. For eight consecutive years, Mr. Hawthorne has been hosted by the HHS Student Council and more specifically, Ms. Danielle Russo, who worked diligently to ensure the night was a smashing success. Their dedication paid off, as the eight boys that vied for the Mr. Hawthorne crown worked tirelessly, perfecting their dance routines, making costumes and memorizing their talents. While all competitors performed incredibly well, Luke Kowalski stood out, and was fittingly crowned as Mr. Hawthorne.


What was your outfit for the fashion round?

Luke: “I dressed up as a Victoria’s Secret Angel, complete with a robe, wings, very tight heart-laced boxers, and a sports bra.”


What was your talent?

Luke: “I performed the classic Saturday Night Live skit “Matt Foley”, original performed by Chris Farley in the 1990’s. I performed as the titular character while my friends (Dan Sweetman, Michael Rica, Suzy Miyamoto, and Pat Olah) played the supporting roles.”


Why did you decide to try out for Mr Hawthorne?

Luke: “I had never done anything like this before and was encouraged by many people to give it a shot, so I decided to try out for the show.”


Any pre-stage rituals?

Luke: “I drank a lot of water before hand. Probably around 4 bottles.”


Who was your biggest competition?

Luke: “I thought everyone did a great job and were very solid competitors, but I think Nick Manzi rightfully won Mr. Congeniality and was the biggest competitor.”


What did you do right after you won?

Luke: “After taking many pictures, I showered all the spray glitter off of me and went out to eat with some friends who helped me in my act.”


Congrats Luke! Wear that crown proud!