The Christmas Truce of 1914


Morris "MJay" Estrada, Editor

It’s a cold and morose winter in 1914, right in the middle of the first World War. Soldiers on both sides are exhausted and traumatized. Everyday both sides don’t know if they’ll make it out alive. Eight months have passed since being stuck in the trenches of Europe. It’s Christmas Eve and the unbelievable happens. The Germans begin to light up candles and sing Christmas carols. The British sing along to their own songs, and suddenly both sides came out into no mans land and greeted each other.

It was incredible! How is it that two sides fighting in a war can be brought together like this?

Both sides were friendly with each other. They gave gifts, traded goods, and shook hands. They drank, ate and sang with one another. There were multiple accounts of soccer matches being played. In that muddy, broken land they managed to find a way to play soccer with a makeshift ball. When either side scored a goal, there was nothing but sportsmanship and laughs.

In that state of fraternity it was peaceful and emotional. For the first time in a long time there was peace. No hate, no bullets, no explosions, just the civility of two sides tired of fighting one another. Some didn’t even understand why they were fighting. It’s amazing how Christmas can bring people together.

It wasn’t uncommon for informal truces to be set between both sides. Sometimes on holidays or just randomly. This just goes to show how even in the worst circumstances, even in World War I, they were still able to find peace in it all.

Make amends with broken relationships this holiday and accept one another for the holidays. Merry Christmas!