Gift giving is one of the most exciting parts of the holiday season, and there are plenty of gift exchange games to make it even more exciting. We’re all familiar with Secret Santa, but there are tons of other fun games that many people have never heard of. If you’re feeling creative this year, check out some of these gift exchange ideas.
Secret Santa: To start with the classics, Secret Santa is a fun gift exchange to do with friends and family. To participate, each person in the group randomly chooses the name of another group member. This can be done by writing everyone’s name on a piece of paper and drawing randomly or using an online Secret Santa generator. Once everyone has a name that is not their own, the group can set a price limit and everyone can create their own wish lists, or just share ideas for things they might like to receive. When the gifts are all bought, a date can be chosen to exchange them. The group may choose to either reveal who each person got during the gift-giving, or let the person receiving the gift try and guess who it was from.
White Elephant: White Elephant is another popular gift giving activity for the holidays. There are several variations of the game, but these are the basic rules. To participate, each person in the group buys a gift, not for anyone in particular. There can be a price limit set, but the gifts can be anything. Players should put all of the gifts into one pile, and each person draws a number to determine the order the gifts are picked in. The first person selects an unopened gift at random from the pile and opens it so everyone can see. Then the second person picks a gift, and they can choose to either keep it, or swap with the person before them. This continues until everyone has chosen a gift to either keep or swap, and the person who went first can swap with the person who goes last (in some variations), or swap with any other opened gift. Participants can choose to alter the game to their liking, and may give the option for each person to swap with whoever they want, and not just the previous person.
Hot Potato: Similar to the classic kid’s game hot potato, everyone passes around a gift or a few gifts in a circle with a timer set or music playing. Once the music or timer stops, whoever is holding a gift leaves the circle. This continues until every person has received a gift. Gifts can be provided by the organizer or brought by each participant.
Gift Auction: To participate, each person brings a gift and exchanges it for fake money. An auction is held in which players can bid on a gift with the money, with the highest bidder receiving the gift. The game continues until every person has received a gift.
Musical Chairs: Another twist on a classic kids’ game, chairs are set up in a circle and a gift is placed underneath each one. Music is played and players walk around the chairs. Once it stops, everyone rushes to a chair. Whatever gift is under their chair is theirs to keep. Once a person has received a gift they are instructed to sit out, and the game continues until each person has one. Gifts can be provided by the organizer or brought by each participant.
Trivia Game: To play, a host asks a series of trivia questions and the first person to answer correctly gets to choose a gift. Once a person receives a gift, they are out of the game, and it continues until all the gifts have been distributed. Gifts can be provided by the organizer or brought by each participant.
Oven Mitt Unwrap: While this game only requires one gift and does not ensure that everyone receives a present, it is still a hilarious and creative game to play at a holiday party. To play, you’ll need a pair of dice, oven mitts, and a gift that is wrapped very well (several layers, different materials, duct tape). Players sit in a circle and one person starts with the gift and the oven mitts. Their goal is to try and unwrap the gift as quickly as possible while wearing the oven mitts, until the person next to them rolls a double with the dice. Once a double is rolled, the gift, oven mitts, and dice are passed on in the circle, continuing until one lucky person manages to unwrap the gift, which they are to keep.
These are just a few examples of unique gift exchange games to make any holiday party a little more exciting. And the fun part is, none of the rules are concrete and can be altered to your liking to ensure that the game is fun for everyone!