Spanish Club Sells Pumpkins at Hawthorne Day
Pumpkins For Sale!
October 1, 2015
On Saturday, September 26 2015, the Hawthorne High School Spanish Club sold pumpkins at the 7th annual Hawthorne Day. The club has sold pumpkins at Hawthorne Day since the 4th annual celebration. The proceeds go to the club and help fund club celebrations throughout the year. Members of the club were divided into shifts, working throughout the duration of the celebration. A large pumpkin patch was constructed, with numerous pumpkins spread throughout. Giddy children and their parents alike flocked to the patch in festive fall spirit, eager to pick out a pumpkin and paint it. “I enjoyed doing it this year, as well as the previous years. We did a great job selling pumpkins this year,” remarked Bierka Paulino, Historian of the club. Since the Spanish Club’s first year selling pumpkins at Hawthorne Day, it has cemented itself into a club tradition, which each and every club member eagerly anticipates.